




Province of Manitoba begins a six-year review process to prepare for the introduction of a Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) that protects Manitobans who receive health care treatments and treats all health care professions on a uniform and standard basis.


Manitoba passes the RHPA but the Act is not proclaimed. Twenty-two health professions are identified for a ‘Transition’ process to the new Act from their current regulations. Two professions are identified as potential applicants—Massage Therapists and Paramedics.


Sections of the Act are proclaimed establishing an Advisory Committee to the Minister of Health, which as part of its mandate will receive applications for self-regulation.


Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba (MTAM) submits the application for review. National Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC) opposes it.


Under the advice of the Advisory Committee, the Minister grants the application for self-regulation of the Massage Therapy profession. Rather than recommend to the Lieutenant Governor that Massage Therapy be designated as a regulated health profession, as is standard, the Minister orders MTAM and NHPC to collaborate on a report to address core issues related to self-regulation.


MTAM and NHPC submit the report as requested by the Minister.

A decision on Massage Therapy is placed behind the decision on regulation of Paramedics.


Paramedicine is designated a regulated health profession under the RHPA. The Massage Therapy profession continues to wait.


The Minister gives MTAM and NHPC an assignment—create a draft Regulation Workbook, which policy makers will use as a base to determine how regulation will function under the RHPA.


MTAM and NHPC submit the draft Regulation Workbook as requested by the Minister.


The draft Regulation Workbook remains under review. RMTSMB continues to be an expert voice working in RMTs’ best interests to ensure Massage Therapy becomes an official part of the regulatory environment in Manitoba.

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